
Almost all endpoints what returns list of data. Supports filter query parameter with paging combination.

Filter query parameter


Only specific properties support some filter groups.

Filter groups

Filter operations

Filtering null values

To filter null or not null values a special keywords were introduced. They can be used in the filter in the place of a value.

Values null and notnull can be used together with custom filter values in filters, i.e externalId|notin|42,null will return only those entities with externalId not equal to 42 and not null at the same time.

The operators eq and ne are just a special case of operators in and notin respectively. It means that the results will be the same if you replace the in operator with eq when filtering a single value.

These special values cannot be used for the deleted attributes. See the next paragraph for more information.

Filtering deleted

There is a special behavior for filtering attributes deleted. The keywords "null" and "notnull" are not supported. The null values are considered as "not deleted" automatically, so there is no need to support null and not null filtering. If you ask the API to return not deleted entities only, it will automatically return entities with deleted false or deleted null. See the examples below.

For boolean attributes you can use 0 instead of false, and 1 instead of true.

Filter examples

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