
Order schema

_branchId integer Branch ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_cloudId integer Cloud ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_courseId long? Course ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_customerId long? Customer ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_eetSubjectId long? EET subject ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_employeeId long? Employee ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_relatedInvoiceId long? Order ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_relatedOrderId long? Order ID - Field is deprecated use _sourceOrderId 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_sellerId long? Seller ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_sourceOrderId long? Order ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_tableId long? Table ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

bkp string? Only for fiscalized Order 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

canceledDate timestamp? Date of cancel Order 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

completed timestamp? Order is completed. 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

created timestamp Created date of Order 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

currency string(3) Currency code

documentNumber string 📶 EQUALS,ENUM, STRING

documentType enum Type of Order. 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

externalId string? Id of external application (custom ID) 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

fik string? Only for fiscalized Order

flags integer Special settings for Order in binary form. 📶 BITS

id long Primary ID for Order

itemCount integer Count of items on Order

locationAccuracy double? Accuratcy for location from GPS

locationDate timestamp? Date of GPS location record 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

locationLatitude double? Latitude value from GPS

locationLongitude double? Longitude value from GPS

merchantPrintData string?

note string(1000)? Custom note for order 📶 STRING

paid boolean Paid status 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

parked boolean Parked status 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

pkp string? Only for fiscalized Order

points double Points value for Order 📶 EQUALS, NUMBER

printData string Data for printer

status enum Order status 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

tags string[]? Tags for a Order 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

tipAmount double? Expected tip amount for the order

totalValueRounded double Total rounded value for Orderd

updated timestamp Updated date 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

versionDate timestamp Last modification date and time 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

order.documentType (enum)

// representation like string

JSON response

    "_branchId": <integer>,
    "_cloudId": <integer>,
    "_courseId": <long>,
    "_customerId": <long>,
    "_eetSubjectId": <long>,
    "_employeeId": <long>,
    "_relatedInvoiceId": <long>,
    "_relatedOrderId": <long>,
    "_sellerId": <long>,
    "_sourceOrderId": <long>,
    "_tableId": <long>,
    "bkp": <string>,
    "canceledDate": <timestamp>,
    "completed": <timestamp>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "currency": <string>,
    "documentNumber": <string>,
    "documentType": <enum>,
    "externalId": <string>,
    "fik": <string>,
    "flags": <integer>,
    "id": <long>,
    "itemCount": <integer>,
    "locationAccuracy": <double>,
    "locationDate": <timestamp>,
    "locationLatitude": <double>,
    "locationLongitude": <double>,
    "merchantPrintData": <string>,
    "note": <string>,
    "paid": <boolean>,
    "parked": <boolean>,
    "pkp": <string>,
    "points": <double>,
    "printData": <string>,
    "status": <enum>,
    "tags": <string[]>,
    "tipAmount": <double>?,
    "totalValueRounded": <double>,
    "updated": <timestamp>,
    "versionDate": <timestamp>

Order flags

Get orders

GET https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/orders

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


  // order schema

[1] The following entities can be included in the response:

  • orderItems - list of order items

  • moneyLogs - list of money logs

Multiple entities can be included at the same time, f.e.: include=orderItems,moneyLogs

Note that the client must have the proper permissions to read the included entity. The API2 will return HTTP error 403 Forbidden otherwise.

Response when other entities are included

    // paging data
    "data": [
            // order fields
            "orderItems": [
                    // order item fields
            "moneyLogs": [
                    // money log fields

[2] The following named filters can be used:

  • openOrders - return open orders only

  • orderItems.openOrderItems - with include=orderItems filters open order items as well

Multiple named filters can be used at the same time, f.e.: namedFilter=openOrders;orderItems.openOrderItems

Get order

GET https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/orders/:orderId

Path Parameters


    // order schema

Options orders

OPTIONS https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/orders

Path Parameters


Options order

OPTIONS https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/orders/:orderId

Path Parameters


Last updated