Delivery Note

Endpoints here allow you to upload delivery notes and filter information about those that were successfully imported.

Delivery Note schema

id long Delivery note ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_branchId integer Branch ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_cloudId integer Cloud ID

currency string(3) Currency from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.CURRENCY

created timestamp? Created date and time from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.CREATED 📶 EQUALS,ENUM,NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

deleted boolean Delivery note deleted 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 BOTH

documentId string(180) Document ID from xml attribute 📶 EQUALS,ENUM,STRING

documentNumber string(18) Document number from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.DOCUMENT_NUMBER

expeditionDate timestamp? Expedition date and time from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.EXPEDITION_DATE 📶 EQUALS,ENUM,NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

status integer Status 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

supplierName string(180) Supplier name from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.SUPPLIER.NAME

text string Text from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.TEXT

type enum Type from xml element DEASDV.DOCUMENT.TYPE

url string(256) Public URL that can be used to download the XML document. The file downloaded represents only the DOCUMENT section from the imported file so it cannot be re-uploaded as-is (uploaded files must have the DEASDV root element).

versionDate timestamp? Last modification date and time 📶 EQUALS,ENUM,NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

DeliveryNote type

// representation like string
RETURN // i.e. remittance

DeliveryNote response

        "_branchId": <integer>,
        "_cloudId": <integer>,
        "created": <timestamp>,
        "currency": <string>,
        "deleted": <boolean>,
        "documentId": <string>,
        "documentNumber": <string>,
        "expeditionDate": <timestamp>,
        "id": <string>,
        "status": <integer>,
        "supplierName": <string>,
        "text": <string>,
        "type": <enum>,
        "url": <string>,
        "versionDate": <timestamp>

Delivery note XML file structure

Below is a simplified structure only. For the complete definition of the document structure please see the attached XSD below.

    <DOCUMENT id="Document UUID" >
        <CREATED><!-- RFC 3339 --></CREATED>
        <TEXT><!-- custom string --></TEXT>
        <CURRENCY><!-- ISO 4217 CODE --></CURRENCY>
        <DOCUMENT_NUMBER><!-- custom string --></DOCUMENT_NUMBER>

        <SUPPLIER id="Supplier UUID">
            <SKU><!-- internal SKU to match product with --></SKU>
            <PRODUCT_NAME lang="cs"><!-- product name --></PRODUCT_NAME>
            <DESCRIPTION><!-- long product description --></DESCRIPTION>
            <AMOUNT><!-- number --></AMOUNT>
            <UNIT><!-- see below --></UNIT>
            <PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT><!-- number --></PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT>
            <PRICE_WITH_VAT><!-- number --></PRICE_WITH_VAT>
            <VAT_RATE><!-- percent rate such as 15.0 --></VAT_RATE>
        ... <!-- the next document -->

Supported units (UNIT)

  • Piece, Points

  • Milligram, Gram, Decagram, Kilogram, Pound, Ounce, Quintal, Tone

  • Millimeter, Centimeter, Meter, Kilometer, Inch, Mile

  • SquareMeter, SquareFoot

  • Milliliter, Centiliter, Deciliter, Liter, UsGallon, UkGallon, CubicFoot, Hectoliter, CubicMeter

  • Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year

Delivery note XSD file

The complete description of the XML file structure can be found in the attached file below:

Upload delivery note


Upload the delivery note XML file to the server for verification and further processing. The file must be provided as a value for the key named "file" in a form-data body. For each XML element DEASDV.DOCUMENT a DeliveryNote entity is returned in a list in the response. If TYPE in DEASDV.DOCUMENT is RETURN, then ITEM.AMOUNT must be a negative number or zero and ITEM.PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT, ITEM.PRICE_WITH_VAT and ITEM.VAT_RATE must be NULL (not present under the ITEM node). See the Validations.

Path Parameters


Request Body

Below you can see how to correctly configure the request Body in Postman.

You can download a sample XML and modify it for your needs. The attached sample file contains two documents of types DELIVERY_NOTE and RETURN respectively.


In case the XML file is not accepted, please make sure it is valid according to the XSD. You can use one of the free online validation tools like

  • Maximum size of the XML file is set to 60MB.

  • The uploaded XML file must have s single DEASDV root element

  • Document id attribute must be a valid UUID in the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

  • Document TYPE must be "DELIVERY_NOTE" (default when null) or "RETURN" (remittance)

  • Document CURRENCY must be in the ISO 4217 format

  • Item UNIT must be a valid unit name - see the Supported units (UNIT)

Delivery notes (<TYPE>DELIVERY_NOTE</TYPE>)

  • Item PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT must not be null

  • Item PRICE_WITH_VAT must not be null

  • Item VAT_RATE must not be null

Remittances (<TYPE>RETURN</TYPE>)

  • Item AMOUNT cannot be positive

  • Item PRICE_WITHOUT_VAT must be null

  • Item PRICE_WITH_VAT must be null

  • Item VAT_RATE must be null

Get delivery notes


Path Parameters

Query Parameters


        response schema

Get delivery note


Path Parameters


Options delivery notes


Path Parameters


Options delivery note


Path Parameters


Last updated