Order item

Order item schema

_branchId integer Branch ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_categoryId long Category ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_cloudId integer Cloud ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_courseId long? Course ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_customerId long? Customer ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_eetSubjectId long? EET Subject ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_employeeId long Employee ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_orderId long Order ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_productId long Product ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_relatedOrderItemId long? Order Item ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_sellerId long? Seller ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

alternativeName string? Product alternative name

billedUnitPriceWithVat double Unit price with vat after discount

billedUnitPriceWithoutVat double Unit price without vat after discount

canceledDate timestamp? Date of item canceled 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

completed timestamp? Date of item (Order) completed 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

created timestamp Date of item created (added to Order) 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

currency string(3) Currency code

discountPercent double Discount percent

discountPermitted boolean Enabled discount 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

ean string[] EAN for item (from product) 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

flags integer Special settings for Order item in binary form. 📶 BITS

id long Primary ID for Order item

name string Name of item / product. 📶 STRING 🔽 BOTH

note string Note for item 📶 STRING

onSale boolean Is item on sale 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

packaging double Packaging value for item / product

parked boolean Is item parked 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

points double Points value for Order item

quantity double Quantity of item / product

stockDeduct boolean 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

subtitle string 📶 STRING

tags string[] Tags for item 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

totalPriceWithVat double Total is with quantity

totalPriceWithoutVat double Total is with quantity

unit enum Item / Product unit

unitPriceWithVat double Unit price with vat before discount

unitPriceWithoutVat double Unit price without vat before discount

unitPurchasePrice double Value of purchase price per unit

updated timestamp Date updated 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

vat double Vat rate

versionDate timestamp Last modification date and time 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

JSON response

    "_branchId": <integer>,
    "_categoryId": <long>,
    "_cloudId": <integer>,
    "_courseId": <long>,
    "_customerId": <long>,
    "_eetSubjectId": <long>,
    "_employeeId": <long>,
    "_orderId": <long>,
    "_productId": <long>,
    "_relatedOrderItemId": <long>,
    "_sellerId": <long>,
    "alternativeName": <string>,
    "billedUnitPriceWithVat": <double>,
    "billedUnitPriceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "canceledDate": <timestamp>,
    "completed": <timestamp>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "currency": <string>,
    "discountPercent": <double>,
    "discountPermitted": <boolean>,
    "ean": <string[]>,
    "flags": <integer>,
    "id": <long>,
    "name": <string>,
    "note": <string>,
    "onSale": <boolean>,
    "packaging": <double>,
    "parked": <boolean>,
    "points": <double>,
    "quantity": <double>,
    "stockDeduct": <boolean>,
    "subtitle": <string>,
    "tags": <string[]>,
    "totalPriceWithVat": <double>,
    "totalPriceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "unit": <enum>,
    "unitPriceWithVat": <double>,
    "unitPriceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "unitPurchasePrice": <double>,
    "updated": <timestamp>,
    "vat": <double>,
    "versionDate": <timestamp>,
    // and for GET methods also:
    "orderItemCustomizations": [
      <Customization>, ...


    "_branchId": <integer>,
    "_cloudId": <integer>,
    "_orderId": <long>,
    "_orderItemId": <long>,
    "_productCustomizationId": <long>,
    "_productId": <long>,
    "alternativeName": <string>,
    "canceledDate": <timestamp>,
    "created": <timestamp>,
    "defaultSelection": <string>,
    "discountValue": <double>,
    "flags": <long>,
    "id": <long>,
    "name": <string>,
    "purchasePriceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "quantity": <double>,
    "unit": <enum>,
    "unitPriceWithVat": <double>,
    "vat": <double>,
    "versionDate": <timestamp>

Get order items

GET https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/order-items

This endpoint includes customizations in an additional field orderItemCustomizations of type list.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters


  // tag schema

Get order item

GET https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/order-items/:orderItemId

This endpoint includes customizations in an additional field orderItemCustomizations of type list.

Path Parameters


    // tag schema

Options order items

OPTIONS https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/order-items

Path Parameters


Options order item

OPTIONS https://api.dotykacka.cz/v2/clouds/:cloudId/order-items/:orderItemId

Path Parameters


Last updated