Base Sales Report

Base Sales Report schema

Simplified JSON response

    "created": <timestamp>,
    "from": <timestamp>,
    "to": <timestamp>,
    "registerName": <string>,
    "moneyTransactionInfo": {
        "currency": <string>,
        "saleCount": <integer>,
        "saleValue": <double>,
        "rawSaleValue": <double>,
        "cancelCount": <integer>,
        "cancelValue": <double>,
        "rawCancelValue": <double>,
        "cashAdvanceCount": <integer>,
        "cashAdvanceValue": <double>,
        "rawCashAdvanceValue": <double>,
        "cashInCount": <integer>,
        "cashInValue": <double>,
        "rawCashInValue": <double>,
        "cashOutCount": <integer>,
        "cashOutValue": <double>,
        "rawCashOutValue": <double>,
        "alternativeCurrencySalesAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCancelAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashAdvanceAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashInAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashOutAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
    "revenue": {
        "totalWithVat": <double>,
        "totalVat": <double>,
        "totalWithoutVat": <double>,
        "vatInfo": [ ... ],
        "paymentTypeInfo": [ ... ]
    "discounts": [ ... ],
    "cashInOutTransactions": [ ... ],
    "categorySales": [ ... ],
    "productSales": [ ... ],
    "tagSales": [ ... ],
    "employeeSales": [ ... ],
    "customerSales": [ ... ],
    "proxySales": [ ... ],
    "takeawaySales": [ ... ],
    "fiscalizationSales": [ ... ],
    "receiptInfo": [ ... ],
    "employeePayments": [ ... ],
    "employeeTips": [ ... ],
    "paymentMethodTips": [ ... ],
    "writeoffs": [
            "productId": <long>,
            "name": <string>,
            "count": <double>,
            "pricePurchaseWithoutVat": <double>,
            "unit": <string>,
            "currency": <string>

Field descriptions

created timestamp Report created date and time

from timestamp Report start date and time

to timestamp Report end date and time

registerName string Branch name

moneyTransactionInfo.currency string Money transactions - primary currency

moneyTransactionInfo.saleCount integer Money transactions - sales count

moneyTransactionInfo.saleValue double Money transactions - sales value

moneyTransactionInfo.rawSaleValue double Money transactions - sales value in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.cancelCount integer Money transactions - cancelled count

moneyTransactionInfo.cancelValue double Money transactions - cancelled value

moneyTransactionInfo.rawCancelValue double Money transactions - cancelled value in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.cashAdvanceCount integer Money transactions - cash advance count

moneyTransactionInfo.cashAdvanceValue double Money transactions - cash advance value

moneyTransactionInfo.rawCashAdvanceValue double Money transactions - cash advance value in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.cashInCount integer Money transactions - cash in count

moneyTransactionInfo.cashInValue double Money transactions - cash in value

moneyTransactionInfo.rawCashInValue double Money transactions - cash in value in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.cashOutCount integer Money transactions - cash out count

moneyTransactionInfo.cashOutValue double Money transactions - cash out value

moneyTransactionInfo.rawCashOutValue double Money transactions - cash out value in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.alternativeCurrencySalesAmount.amount double Money transactions - sales amount in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.alternativeCurrencyCancelAmount.amount double Money transactions - cancellations amount in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.alternativeCurrencyCashAdvanceAmount.amount double Money transactions - cash advance in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.alternativeCurrencyCashInAmount.amount double Money transactions - cash in amount in alternative currency

moneyTransactionInfo.alternativeCurrencyCashOutAmount.amount double Money transactions - cash out amount in alternative currency

revenue.totalWithVat double Revenue - total value with VAT

revenue.totalVat double Revenue - total VAT value

revenue.totalWithoutVat double Revenue - total value without VAT

revenue.vatInfo.rate double Revenue - VAT rate

revenue.vatInfo.base double Revenue - VAT base value

revenue.vatInfo.value double Revenue - VAT value

revenue.vatInfo.special double Revenue - VAT special

revenue.paymentTypeInfo.typeId integer Revenue - payment type id

revenue.paymentTypeInfo.count integer Revenue - count for the payment type double Revenue - total value for the payment type

revenue.paymentTypeInfo.rawTotal double Revenue - total value for the payment type in alternative currency

revenue.paymentTypeInfo.currency string Revenue - alternative currency for the rawTotal string Discounts - employee name long Discounts - employee ID

discounts.count integer Discounts - count

discounts.value double Discounts - value

discounts.valueWithoutVat double Discounts - value without VAT long Cash in/out transactions - money log ID

cashInOutTransactions.dir boolean Cash in/out transactions - always false (unused)

cashInOutTransactions.created timestamp Cash in/out transactions - money log created string Cash in/out transactions - employee name long Cash in/out transactions - employee ID

cashInOutTransactions.value double Cash in/out transactions - money log value

cashInOutTransactions.note string Cash in/out transactions - money log note

categorySales.value double Sales by category - value

categorySales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by category - value without non purchase

categorySales.purchaseValue double Sales by category - purchase value

categorySales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by category - value without VAT

categorySales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by category - value without non purchase without VAT

categorySales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by category - purchase value without VAT long Sales by category - category ID string Sales by category - category name

productSales.value double Sales by product - value

productSales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by product - value without non purchase

productSales.purchaseValue double Sales by product - purchase value

productSales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by product - value without VAT

productSales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by product - value without non purchase without VAT

productSales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by product - purchase value without VAT long Sales by product - product ID string Sales by product - product name

productSales.count integer Sales by product - items count

productSales.unit enum Sales by product - item units

productSales.categoryId long Sales by product - category ID

tagSales.value double Sales by tag - value

tagSales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by tag - value without non purchase

tagSales.purchaseValue double Sales by tag - purchase value

tagSales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by tag - value without VAT

tagSales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by tag - value without non purchase without VAT

tagSales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by tag - purchase value without VAT string Sales by tag - tag name

employeeSales.value double Sales by employee - value

employeeSales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by employee - value without non purchase

employeeSales.purchaseValue double Sales by employee - purchase value

employeeSales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by employee - value without VAT

employeeSales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by employee - value without non purchase without VAT

employeeSales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by employee - purchase value without VAT long Sales by employee - employee ID string Sales by employee - employee name

customerSales.value double Sales by customer - value

customerSales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by customer - value without non purchase

customerSales.purchaseValue double Sales by customer - purchase value

customerSales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by customer - value without VAT

customerSales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by customer - value without non purchase without VAT

customerSales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by customer - purchase value without VAT long Sales by customer - customer ID string Sales by customer - customer name

proxySales.value double Sales by EET subject - value

proxySales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by EET subject - value without non purchase

proxySales.purchaseValue double Sales by EET subject - purchase value

proxySales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by EET subject - value without VAT

proxySales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by EET subject - value without non purchase without VAT

proxySales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by EET subject - purchase value without VAT long Sales by EET subject - EET subject ID string Sales by EET subject - EET subject name

takeawaySales.value double Sales by take-away/eat-in - value

takeawaySales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by take-away/eat-in - value without non purchase

takeawaySales.purchaseValue double Sales by take-away/eat-in - purchase value

takeawaySales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by take-away/eat-in - value without VAT

takeawaySales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by take-away/eat-in - value without non purchase without VAT

takeawaySales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by take-away/eat-in - purchase value without VAT integer Sales by take-away/eat-in - 1 = take-away, 0 = eat-in

fiscalizationSales.value double Sales by fiscalization - value

fiscalizationSales.valueWithoutNonPurchase double Sales by fiscalization - value without non purchase

fiscalizationSales.purchaseValue double Sales by fiscalization - purchase value

fiscalizationSales.valueWithoutVAT double Sales by fiscalization - value without VAT

fiscalizationSales.valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT double Sales by fiscalization - value without non purchase without VAT

fiscalizationSales.purchaseValueWithoutVAT double Sales by fiscalization - purchase value without VAT integer Sales by fiscalization - 1 = fiscalization required, 0 = not required

receiptInfo.type string Order items - item type: "cancelled", "cancellation", "unpaid", "total"

receiptInfo.value double Order items - value of items of the given type

receiptInfo.count integer Order items - count of items of the given type

employeePayments.employeeId long Payments by employee - Employee ID

employeePayments.employeeName string Payments by employee - Employee name

employeePayments.paymentMethodId integer Payments by employee - Payment method ID

employeePayments.count integer Payments by employee - Count of payments double Payments by employee - Total value of payments

employeePayments.rawTotal double Payments by employee - Total value of payments in alternative currency

employeePayments.currency string Payments by employee - Alternative currency for the rawTotal string Tips by employee - Employee name

employeeTips.currency string Tips by employee - Alternative currency

employeeTips.tipAmount double Tips by employee - Total value of tips for the employee in the alternative currency.

employeeTips.tipAmountMainCurrency double Tips by employee - Total value of tips for the employee in the main currency. string Tips by payment methods - Payment method name (localized using the lang query parameter)

paymentMethodTips.currency string Tips by payment methods - Alternative currency

paymentMethodTips.tipAmount double Tips by payment methods - Total value of tips for the payment method in the alternative currency.

paymentMethodTips.tipAmountMainCurrency double Tips by payment methods - Total value of tips for the payment method in the main currency.

writeoffs.productId long Written off items - product ID string Written off items - product name

writeoffs.count double Written off items - count (quantity)

writeoffs.pricePurchaseWithoutVat double Written off items - purchase price without VAT

writeoffs.unit string Written off items - unit of the quantity

writeoffs.currency string Written off items - currency of the purchase price

Generate the base sales report


Generate the base sales report.

Path Parameters




ID of the cloud.



ID of the branch.

Query Parameters




Whether you are a VAT payer or not.



Interval start date as an ISO date-time with zone offset or a time-stamp in milliseconds.



Interval end date as an ISO date-time with zone offset or a time-stamp in milliseconds.



Seller ID used as a filter or null to count all the sellers.



2-letter lowercase ISO language code.





Bearer accessToken

    "created": <timestamp>,
    "from": <timestamp>,
    "to": <timestamp>,
    "registerName": <string>,
    "moneyTransactionInfo": {
        "currency": <string>,
        "saleCount": <integer>,
        "saleValue": <double>,
        "cancelCount": <integer>,
        "cancelValue": <double>,
        "cashAdvanceCount": <integer>,
        "cashAdvanceValue": <double>,
        "cashInCount": <integer>,
        "cashInValue": <double>,
        "cashOutCount": <integer>,
        "cashOutValue": <double>,
        "alternativeCurrencySalesAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCancelAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashAdvanceAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashInAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
        "alternativeCurrencyCashOutAmount": {
            "amount": <double>,
            "currencyCode": <string>
    "revenue": {
        "totalWithVat": <double>,
        "totalVat": <double>,
        "totalWithoutVat": <double>,
        "vatInfo": [
                "rate": <double>,
                "base": <double>,
                "value": <double>,
                "special": <double>
        "paymentTypeInfo": [
                "typeId": <integer>,
                "count": <integer>,
                "total": <double>,
                "rawTotal": <double>,
                "currency": <string>
    "discounts": [
            "employee": {
                "name": <string>,
                "id": <integer>
            "count": <integer>,
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVat": <double>
    "cashInOutTransactions": [
            "id": <integer>,
            "dir": <boolean>,
            "created": <timestamp>,
            "employee": {
                "name": <string>,
                "id": <integer>
            "value": <double>,
            "note": <string>
    "categorySales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>
    "productSales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>,
            "count": <number>,
            "unit": <enum>,
            "categoryId": <integer>
    "tagSales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "name": <string>
    "employeeSales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>
    "customerSales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>
    "proxySales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>,
            "name": <string>
    "takeawaySales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>
    "fiscalizationSales": [
            "value": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchase": <double>,
            "purchaseValue": <double>,
            "valueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "valueWithoutNonPurchaseWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "purchaseValueWithoutVAT": <double>,
            "id": <integer>
    "receiptInfo": [
            "type": "cancelled",
            "value": <double>,
            "count": <integer>
            "type": "cancellation",
            "value": <double>,
            "count": <integer>
            "type": "unpaid",
            "value": <double>,
            "count": <integer>
            "type": "total",
            "value": <double>,
            "count": <integer>
    "employeePayments": [
            "employeeId": <integer>,
            "employeeName": <string>,
            "paymentMethodId": <integer>,
            "count": <integer>,
            "total": <double>,
            "rawTotal": <double>,
            "currency": <string>
    "employeeTips": [
            "name": <string>,
            "currency": <string>,
            "tipAmount": <double>,
            "tipAmountMainCurrency": <double>
    "paymentMethodTips": [
            "name": <string>,
            "currency": <string>,
            "tipAmount": <double>,
            "tipAmountMainCurrency": <double>
    "writeoffs": [
            "productId": <long>,
            "name": <string>,
            "count": <double>,
            "pricePurchaseWithoutVat": <double>,
            "unit": <string>,
            "currency": <string>

Last updated

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