
Description of entities, request and response objects.

A schema describes Entity, Request, Response, etc objects. Specific properties data type, required fields, filter groups, sort options and describes special cases. Schema is split into two blocks - the first block describes individual fields and the second shows the JSON format.


The example below shows some object properties with descriptions.

id long Entity ID - cannot be null in PUT/PATCH methods 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

_cloudId integer Cloud ID 🔽 NONE

_eetSubjectId long? EET Subject ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

deleted boolean Entity deleted 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

externalId string? External ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

flags integer Entity flags - see Flags 📶 BITS 🔽 NONE

name string(180) Entity name 📶 EQUALS,STRING 🔽 BOTH

All internal IDs have an underscore prefix, f.e._cloudId.

All numeric properties are represented as string in JSON.

📶 filter groups allowed for a field 🔽 sort options available for a field

Validated properties

Properties of data types followed by question mark (?) are optional. All other properties are mandatory. In special cases there can be a note mark with a number.

Property data type


name string


externalId string?


id long [1]

Special case with group 1 description below

firstName string? [2]

Special case with group 2 description below

lastName string? [2]

Special case with group 2 description below

companyName string? [2]

Special case with group 2 description below

Properties with [number] have special description below.

[1] ID cannot be null in PUT/PATCH methods [2] One of properties firstName, lastName, companyName cannot be BLANK / EMPTY but other can be EMPTY.




String with maximum length of 400


String length between 200 to 250


Array of strings


Array of strings with item count between 1 to 100


Array of strings with maximum length of 1000 in joined string (with separators)

Last updated

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