
Please see the Breaking changes page for more info on the planned changes in validation.

Product schema

id long? Product ID - cannot be null in PUT/PATCH methods 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

_categoryId long Category ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

_cloudId integer Cloud ID 🔽 NONE

_defaultCourseId long? Course ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM

_eetSubjectId long? EET Subject ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

_supplierId long? Supplier ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

allergens int[] Product allergens in the form of numbers. See the Annex II in the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.

alternativeName string? Product alternative name

currency string?(3) Currency code 🔽 NONE

deleted boolean Product deleted - cannot be true in POST/PUT/PATCH methods 📶 EQUALS, ENUM 🔽 BOTH

deliveryNoteIds string? Delivery note IDs 🔽 NONE

description string?(1000) Product description 🔽 NONE

discountPercent double Discount percent 🔽 NONE

discountPermitted boolean Discount permitted 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

display boolean Product displayed 📶 EQUALS, ENUM 🔽 BOTH

ean string[]? EAN codes 📶 EQUALS, ENUM 🔽 BOTH (sort by the first EAN code in the list)

externalId string? External ID 📶 EQUALS,ENUM 🔽 NONE

features string[] Product features like spicy, vegan etc. primarily used for EOS

flags integer Product flags 📶 BITS 🔽 NONE

hexColor string(7) Product color 🔽 NONE

imageUrl string? Product image for EOS services. The value of this field can only be deleted by setting it to null. Non-null values will be ignored.

margin string?(50) Product margin as an exact value (plain number without a currency symbol) or a percentage (number followed by a '%' sign). If the percentage format is used the margin must be <= 100%. 🔽 NONE

marginMin double? Minimal margin 🔽 NONE

modifiedBy string?(32) Product modified by 🔽 NONE

name string(400) Product name 📶 STRING🔽 BOTH

notes string[]?(1000) Product notes 🔽 NONE

onSale boolean Discount offer 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

packageItem double? Item's package 🔽 NONE

packaging double Number of items in a package 🔽 NONE

packagingMeasurement double? Measurement packaging for product 🔽 NONE

packagingPriceWithVat double? Price of the packaging with VAT primarily used for EOS 🔽 NONE

plu string[]? PLU codes 🔽 EQUALS, ENUM 🔽 BOTH (sort by the first PLU code in the list)

points double Points for buying the product 🔽 NONE

priceInPointsdouble Price value in points

priceWithVat double? Price with VAT 📶 EQUALS, ENUM 🔽 BOTH

priceWithVatB double? Alternative price with vat B

priceWithVatC double? Alternative price with vat C

priceWithVatD double? Alternative price with vat D

priceWithVatE double? Alternative price with vat E

priceWithoutVat double Price without VAT 🔽 BOTH

purchasePriceWithoutVat double? Purchase price without VAT 🔽 NONE

Please do not round any price values (explained here)

requiresPriceEntry boolean Product requires price entry - must be set the same as the flag REQUIRES_PRICE_ENTRY because both values are used by our systems. 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

sortOrder long? Product sort order 🔽 NONE

stockDeduct boolean Product is deducted from Warehouse 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

stockOverdraft enum Stock overdraft allows to set whether the product can be sold even if its quantity in the stock is equal or less than 0 - or just display a warning in that case 🔽 NONE

subtitle string?(500) Product subtitle 🔽 NONE

supplierProductCode string? Supplier's product code 🔽 NONE

tags string[]? Tags for a product 📶 EQUALS, ENUM

translatedDescription map<string, string>? A mapping of language codes to translated product descriptions. 🔽 NONE

translatedName map<string, string>? A mapping of language codes to translated product names. 🔽 NONE

unit enum Product unit 📶 EQUALS 🔽 NONE

unitMeasurement enum? Units for product measurement 🔽 NONE

vat double VAT value (a multiplier from range <1.0; 2.0>, f.e. vat=1.234 corresponds to VAT 23.4%) 📶 EQUALS 🔽 BOTH

For VAT payers this value is validated and it must correspond to one of the configured VAT rates.

versionDate timestamp? Last modification date and time 📶 EQUALS, ENUM, NUMBER 🔽 BOTH

Product.stockOverdraft (enum)

// representation like string

Product response

    "_categoryId": <long>,
    "_cloudId": <integer>,
    "_defaultCourseId": <long>,
    "_eetSubjectId": <long>,
    "_supplierId": <long>,
    "alternativeName": <string>,
    "currency": <string>,
    "deleted": <boolean>,
    "deliveryNoteIds": <string>,
    "description": <string>,
    "discountPercent": <double>,
    "discountPermitted": <boolean>,
    "display": <boolean>,
    "ean": <string[]>,
    "externalId": <string>,
    "flags": <integer>,
    "hexColor": <string>,
    "id": <long>,
    "margin": <string>,
    "marginMin": <double>,
    "modifiedBy": <string>,
    "name": <string>,
    "notes": <string[]>,
    "onSale": <boolean>,
    "packageItem": <double>,
    "packaging": <double>,
    "packagingMeasurement": <double>,
    "plu": <string>,
    "points": <double>,
    "priceInPoints": <double>,
    "priceWithVat": <double>,
    "priceWithVatB": <double>,
    "priceWithVatC": <double>,
    "priceWithVatD": <double>,
    "priceWithVatE": <double>,
    "priceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "purchasePriceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "requiresPriceEntry": <boolean>,
    "sortOrder": <long>,
    "stockDeduct": <boolean>,
    "stockOverdraft": <enum>,
    "subtitle": <string>,
    "supplierProductCode": <string>,
    "tags": <string[]>,
    "translatedDescription": <map<string, string>>,
    "translatedName": <map<string, string>>,
    "unit": <enum>,
    "unitMeasurement": <enum>,
    "vat": <double>,
    "versionDate": <timestamp>

Product flags

Get products


Path Parameters

Query Parameters


[1] The following entities can be included in the response:

  • customizations- list of customizations

  • ingredients - list of ingredients

Multiple entities can be included at the same time, f.e.: include=customizations,ingredients

Note that the client must have the proper permissions to read the included entity. The API2 will return HTTP error 403 Forbidden otherwise.

Response when other entities are included

    // paging data
    "data": [
            // product fields
            "customizations": [
                    // customization fields
            "ingredients": [
                    // ingredient fields

Get product


Path Parameters


Create products


Path Parameters


Request Body

// Body request minimum
        "_categoryId": <long>,
        "deleted": <boolean>,
        "discountPercent": <double>,
        "discountPermitted": <boolean>,
        "display": <boolean>,
        "flags": <integer>,
        "hexColor": <string>,
        "name": <string>,
        "onSale": <boolean>,
        "packaging": <double>,
        "points": <double>,
        "priceWithoutVat": <double>,
        "requiresPriceEntry": <boolean>,
        "stockDeduct": <boolean>,
        "stockOverdraft": <enum>,
        "unit": <enum>,
        "vat": <double>

Replace or create products


Path Parameters


Request Body

// Body request minimum
        "_categoryId": <long>,
        "deleted": <boolean>,
        "discountPercent": <double>,
        "discountPermitted": <boolean>,
        "display": <boolean>,
        "flags": <integer>,
        "hexColor": <string>,
        "id": <long>,
        "name": <string>,
        "onSale": <boolean>,
        "packaging": <double>,
        "points": <double>,
        "priceWithoutVat": <double>,
        "requiresPriceEntry": <boolean>,
        "stockDeduct": <boolean>,
        "stockOverdraft": <enum>,
        "unit": <enum>,
        "vat": <double>

Replace or create product


Path Parameters


Request Body

// Body request minimum
    "_categoryId": <long>,
    "deleted": <boolean>,
    "discountPercent": <double>,
    "discountPermitted": <boolean>,
    "display": <boolean>,
    "flags": <integer>,
    "hexColor": <string>,
    "id": <long>,
    "name": <string>,
    "onSale": <boolean>,
    "packaging": <double>,
    "points": <double>,
    "priceWithoutVat": <double>,
    "requiresPriceEntry": <boolean>,
    "stockDeduct": <boolean>,
    "stockOverdraft": <enum>,
    "unit": <enum>,
    "vat": <double>

Partial update of Product


Path Parameters


Request Body

Delete product


Path Parameters


Request Body

[1] Can be one of the following: ERROR, PRESERVE, DELETE. An example BODY can look like this:

    "productIsIngredient": "DELETE",
    "productHasIngredients": "ERROR"

If no request BODY is sent (default) or a JSON object with the strategy ERROR is sent and the product has own ingredients or is an ingredient of another product then the API returns an error response with status 409 Conflict with a BODY like in this example:

    "timestamp": "2021-01-20T15:54:06.319+01:00",
    "status": "409",
    "error": "Conflict",
    "message": "The product is an ingredient",
    "resolution": {
        "productIsIngredient": [
        "productHasIngredients": [

If a request with a strategy DELETE is issued and the product has own ingredients or is an ingredient of another product then the related ingredients are deleted. If a request with a strategy PRESERVE is issued then no ingredients are deleted (ingredients will be preserved).

If a request with a strategy DELETE is issued and the user does not have the permission to delete ingredients then the API returns the following error response:

    "timestamp": "2021-01-20T15:51:13.362+01:00",
    "status": "403",
    "error": "Forbidden",
    "message": "No permission to delete product ingredients"

Options products


Path Parameters


Options product


Path Parameters


Last updated